Patti Cohn has sold more listings in Marin County than 99.3% of Marin agents.
When you hire Patti, you’ll make more money in less time and experience a smooth transaction…
Your home could sell for 1% more
Ninety percent of Patti’s listings sold at 3% over the asking price vs. the average agent with 2% over asking. It’s not about how much you pay in commission; it’s how much you end up with . She earns her commission!
Your home will likely sell 35% faster
Patti’s Marin listings sold in an average of 30 days, including the contingency period, as compared to 46 days for other realtors. If that’s too quick, she’ll negotiate a free rent back for you.
Patti lists and sells 8 times more properties than the average agent
Patti has sold more listings in Marin County than 99.3% of Marin agents.
You’ll get a well-connected top producer
Patti has been a top producing Marin Realtor for 33 years and is in the Top 1% of all agents nationwide. She also is an active member of exclusive broker networking groups. The top 10% of are involved in 3 out of 5 transactions.

After 850 transactions and over 750 escrows, there are no surprises.
5-Star Google Reviews
Frequent co-host of The Best of Investing on KDOW1220 and 860 AM